I'm a web developer and teacher. I love JavaScript, Node.js, jQuery, and Python.
I'm a freelancer living in Portugal who is originally from the UK. I teach business English remotely and I create websites.
I went to university in London where I earned a BA in English Literature and an MA in Victorian Studies. In 2013, I relocated to Lisbon in order to train for a CELTA at International House, Lisbon.
While I love teaching English, I missed the fun that I had creating Visual Basic programs and database queries while working as a Management Information and Data Analytics Administrator for Kingston University.
In 2016, I decided to learn web development and I enrolled in freeCodeCamp's Full Stack Web Development Certification. Since then I have completed Colt Steele's The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert, The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp, and The Web Developer Bootcamp, as well as Wes Bos's JavaScript30, What The Flexbox?!, and CSS Grid.
I use Python, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, HTML5, and CSS3 to automate day-to-day business tasks like sending emails and keeping track of hours worked.
I'm open to job opportunities, and my CV is available on request.
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